Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Debt Consolidation - The First Step To Financial Responsibility

Once a debt saddled individual realizes they need to do something about their debt, they begin the challenging process of seeking out various debt reduction schemes to lighten their credit card debts. A popular and realistic path is debt consolidation.

In a nutshell, debt consolidation is simply the process of combining all accumulated debt from all the various creditors into one smaller, more manageable payment. It could be in the form of another credit card or some sort of loan but the best solution really boils down to what works best for you and your current situation.

Aside from trying to pay off your credit card debts, many individuals are advised to take the debt consolidation path simply because it will improve your financial situation by allowing you to reduce your debt. Another nice side benefit is that once you put a plan together it will reduce the stress associated with debt and for anyone who's gone through a financial crisis they know it's one of the most difficult and stressful situations in life to deal with.

An obvious example is that in most instances, individuals simply have too many credit cards and they end up paying high interest while making only minimum payments and never really make any headway.

Many get themselves into trouble by taking advantage of low interest rate or no interest rate offers. However, most of these types of offers last only 6 months and then the interest rate jumps up dramatically and before they know it individuals find themselves in the situation described in the previous paragraph.

Contrary to popular belief, most people want to pay off their debt but when it gets to a point of diminishing returns (high rates and barely being able to make the minimum payments) it's time to get serious about debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation done right will enable you to organize your credit card debt, pay much less in interest and even drop a portion of your debt in some circumstances. Debt consolidation will combine all your debt in one manageable monthly payment with a single due date. It can be your financial "light at the end of the tunnel."

Of course, if you own a home and you've been fortunate to accrue some equity a good alternative is to opt for a home equity loan. The loan is spread over more years and the interest is tax deductible.

Clearly, any form of debt consolidation done correctly will save you a ton of money in interest charges but hopefully by having had to take such a step you will learn the lesson of better financial responsibility so you never put yourself into such a difficult financial position again.

And thus, I must mention the following "important points to ponder" despite the seemingly risk-free nature of debt consolidation.

After consolidating your debt into one lump sum, you actually still have your credit cards to worry about. And yes, they are now free and clear but if you're not careful, if you don't change your spending behavior they won't be that way for long. And thus, the clear answer is to stop spending yourself into a financial black hole. A good first step is to cancel most, if not all of your current credit cards. At most, you should retain no more than two. Use one for gas and groceries and keep one in reserve but pay off the balance each month. This way you keep yourself from going down the wrong financial path and you also develop a good credit rating. Most lenders look for two lines of credit that have been paid consistently and on time with a reasonable balance when making loans and the better you handle your credit the better interest rates you'll get for ANY type of loan.

In conclusion, do a little research and find the best debt consolidation deal you can for your situation and then change your spending behavior so you don't put yourself in the same situation a few years down the road. You'll reduce stress and expand your choices in life because when you have your financial house in order you have flexible and options and when good opportunities arise, you can take advantage of them.

This article may be reproduced only in its entirety.

Scott Knutson is an entrepreneur and writer. For other articles he's written visit: http://www.aneyeondebt.com | http://www.debtmgmtresources.com | http://www.debtmergeresources.comAudre Blog80301
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